What is the best analog sounding CD player $2000

What is the best (analog) sounding player under $2000? How about under $1000? New or used OK. Straight out of the box - no mods.
Synergy is also important - what are the other components in your system? In my system (Musical Fidelity amp, MS Performance 6 speakers) the closest I've heard to the "non-digital" sound has been through an Audio Note DAC (1.1X Signature). You could look at adding a different DAC to your existing player to achieve the sound you want and have the added flexibility of later being able to build this into a server based system.
Roy, if one says "analog", then I'm thinking of vinyl, analog tape recorder, VHS tape, etc. So analog is not only vinyl and analog like sound is not identical to vinyl like sound. Or am I wrong?

Can you give more details about the servers and Dacs that you have heard in this price range? For a one box player the Lector Mk3 is excellent. I like it far better than my former AMR.
No Chris you're actually on to something. Try listening to master reel-to-reel tapes on a decent tape deck. It will make you forget about LPs. Some consider this format to be the status quo in analog sound. Also, don't forget about DAT which I might consider the best of both worlds. I've been listening more to my DAT masters of late than my LPs.

Otherwise I think Mr. Tennis has done a good job of describing what one means when they refer to analog sound.
Baranyi, I can well expect that the Lector outperforms the AMR. I did not mean to say that I know of quality servers in the price range. In the range of the AMR, yes. I heard the new Sonic Studio/VRS Amarra at THE Show for one.