Looking for a CDP from a company that'll be around

Strange post, no? Here's the deal: I am looking to replace my much loved Musical Fidelity CD-308 with a newer/ pre-owned CDP in the +- $2k range from a company that, according to your guesstimate, would be around in say, 5-6 years from now. Easily serviceable, should the need arise...excellent reliability record. I do use my equipment on average of 6-7 hours a day. Very heavy usage, as you can tell. No motivation or time to tinker around with repairs or maintenance issues. The last thing I'd want is to buy something and then to be left hanging dry, just as it happenned with the MF products. No chinese equipment or flavors of the month, please!
Associated equipment: CJ CA-200 control amp, Proac D-25, VD cables throughout
Best regards, and thanks for your advise!
I imagine Cary, Sony and Marantz might be around in 5 - 6 years given their current status. They make some pretty decent players in your price range.
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Bryston BCD-1. Longest warranty in the industry. Not as long as on their amps (because of inherent problems with transports) but longer I think than anyone else. Also, conservative company, very likely to be around.
I think it is a great question and is relevant considering the state of the economy. It seems to me that long standing companies that use professional grade transports give you your best shot at longevity. I am considering the same question, and I believe that Marantz, Sony, Denon, Pioneer, Cary, Rotel, and a few others are likely to survive. Its anybody's guess, but small esoteric manufacturers are going to have a tough time in the next few years unless they are ultra high end (price is no object). Or they are high volume with wide-spread distribution and service networks. IMO.
Thanks to all for the input! Look, I am past the stage of sonic experimentation: selling, trading, buying, swapping...and finally, I am positive, I've settled down to a system I've had now for a couple years. Pragmatic stuff- like value, service, longevity and reliabilty are now the top priority. I am also now a big believer in the diminishing returns side of things, and frankly, with CD-format being in a state of what it is, $2-2.5k used for a CDP is what I'd be comfortable with and feel good about.
That said, Bryston+Marantz+Rega+Krell+Esoteric look good and are reasonably diversified.
Audio Research and some other high-priced mainstays might just price themselves out into extinction. One- (or two-) man operations aren't looking so good at all!
Economic instability definitely makes one think twice about extravagant hi-fi purchases..since no one really wants to end up with a $2-3k boat anchor