I don’t agree. I do not believe equipment exists (yet) to measure the burn in/breakin of cables. But if you had the audio equipment and ears you would be a believer.
I remember feeling the same way as you do now many years ago about power cords. I felt how can a power cord change the musical sound quality? I was sure they would test the same. Wire is wire...right?
But a dealer gave me a Synergetic Research Master Coupler to take home and try. When I first connected it up, I was convinced as you are now that it could not possibly make a difference. Then I cued up the first song and ... huh? How can this be? More bass, bigger soundstage??? Just from changing a power cord that is supposed to be the same gauge? Can’t be...
From that day on I was convinced that we really don’t know as much as we think we know when it comes to sound quality, equipment, and yes cables. Measurements can only test OHMs Law.