Those who claim absolutes seem rather narrow minded and ignore real science as it actually has shown us many things and will continue to do so. As as touched upon by another poster all there is is a lot of energy and maybe just a tiny bit of mass in the universe. Look into it, amazing way to spend your time instead of nay saying something you may not be open minded enough to comprehend.
My personal "belief" as in all things I am aware of are subject to change as I learn more each day I live. I do not know anything, only believe somethings, glad to adapt as I experience a new perspective.
Do cables burn in? I believe it is quite likely just based on actual science(I read a great deal and watch incredible videos of highly regarded scientists, doctors, engineers, etc...)
Is there bit of snake oil involved in some of this? I am quite sure there is but I am not going to try to prove or disprove it. I will just enjoy the level I choose to participate in having some fun, DIY and lower cost, building cables, speakers, etc....I enjoy the bobby and the music, probably hobby more but it is only one of many I have.
If I were to recommend anything it would be to give up on trying to change someones mind either way, not likely going to happen so the time used up is basically just pissing in the wind, surely there are better things to do.
Beware, having an open mind can be a disturbing experience, science, politics, actual history, religion and more are not often close to what most believes as fact.