Old phones as streaming sources

   I'm curious how many  of you have converted old phones to streamers. I have found  that when I remove the sim card and shut off blue tooth and wire the phone to a dac with an appropriate USB adapter cable, my old iphone 6s makes a pretty good streamer. Just wondering what others experiance has been. It is a really economical way to source digital to a 2nd or 3rd system. You can even cut electronic noise further by running on battery power when listening and shutting off the screen once the music is rolling. Going one step further would be to transfer local files to the phones memory and turn off wireless altogether. I have not done this but theoretically it should help. I usually just run the Qobuz app and stream from that to my Chord Mojo. What's your experiance?


Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19

@lanx0003 I’ll just say my experience was way different.  I thought using my iPhone into my DAC using Qobuz sounded really good.  Then I brought up my old Oppo player to use as a CD transport into my DAC and playing CDs totally eclipsed the performance of streaming with my iPhone — not even close, and to say I was disappointed and discouraged is an understatement.  Several people here strongly suggested I get a separate streamer, so I bought an iFi Zen Stream (with their iPowerX power supply) and the performance immediately leapfrogged CDs and went to another level entirely.  Again, not even close.  Comparing playing through the Zen versus direct with the iPhone was like listening to hi res vs. MP3.  Again, not even close.  Not saying you didn’t hear what you heard at all and I’m sure you did, but it is in stark contrast to my experience so thought it worth sharing.

It's strange. While it is understandable that the perception of sound quality is subjective, it cannot deviate too much. I wonder if this has something to do with the settings?



here’s someone who actually measured the results of using a phone as a streamer vs several other options.  His takeaway, no surprise, is that the DAC matters a lot.  Jitter rejection and noise filtering at the DAC can level the playing field:


Yeah, we get it. Bits are bits, but why do we hear differences in sound from different devices? It can't all be fictitious, right?

That is a nice piece by archimago, almost exactly what I was looking for except it would have been better if he could have measured output from one or more of the high end devices he mentions at the start of the piece, as well. It is difficult to agree with his blanket dismissal of them without actually including them in the test. In the end he measured several devices that many would consider sub-optimal streaming source and concluded they were all the same.

One can also wonder if there could be a better technique than measuring the dac outputs. Conceivably the dac exerts a leveling influence so that it could be argued it is making all digital streams look the same to the measuring instruments.  I am not techically astute enough to say but I wonder if it is possible to measure the digital output directly from the streamer and be able to say anything meaningful. Perhaps one of knowledgeable forum mates can say.