Accuphase, fuses


Reaching out to owners of Accuphase amps and integrateds, and also digital components. Do you, or have you ever, tried to swap out the fuses with aftermarket fuses? I don't yet own Accuphase but am thinking about going that route. I see many photos online of the interior of Accuphase gear, but I see no obvious fuse holders. In fact, it looks like you would have to remove things in order to get in the vicinity of the power inlet. Which I am not about to do. If the fuses are inaccessible, that would almost be a relief. One less tweak to be done with. ;-)





720, I meant. I don't suppose you've tested the balanced vs unbalanced connections between your Accuphase digital gear and amplifier?

@rfprice , just used XLR from the get go, due to inherent noise suppression. The 720 was delivered with a set of grey rca cables.


I've read here and there that Accuphase components sound best with their stock power cords than with aftermarket cords. Do you have any insight on that? Are you using the stock cords? 

Fuses having ’directionality’? You’ve gotta be nuts! The idea that a fuse - of whatever color - can alter the tonality of a component is bonkers and magical thinking!