@treepmeyer to be honest I don’t think I really can as I’ve only spent less than a week with the ls3/5a’s and they are in 2 different systems in 2 different houses..
The Carbon 7’s are much bigger, go much much lower, have an incredibly deep (front to back) presentation and just do texture incredibly well. The highs are there and detailed but relaxed . Apparently the tweeter goes out to 30kHz. But it’s also pretty forgiving.
The Falcons give the perception of bass ...they roll off at 70Hz but if placed correctly you don’t really miss much. They don’t do low sub bass like the Fritz’s somehow can.
The Falcons have this magical etherial floating image ...it’s pretty intoxicating especially with small ensemble music. Also they do texture so well. I think the tweeter that Fritz uses is more advanced and more refined. After all, the ls3/5a tweeter design is 40+ years old.
I think the Falcons can get a little fatiguing after a few hours but also my pair probably aren’t event burned in yet.
If I had to live with only one it would be the Fritz’s. But I’m feeling very lucky and happy to have both.