My Four Favorite SS Amps

The best SS amplifier I've ever heard was a Vandersteen driven by a CAT preamp.  Amazing.  I almost never bring it up because it is so far out of my price range.

The next three are about the same IMHO for sound quality, though the Ayre stands out a little.

D'Agostino, Luxman and Ayre. 

Honestly the D'Agostion and Luxman sound very close.  Tremendous bass and treble extension without hardness or accentuation.  They just make speakers sound much more capable.  Very smooth, dead quiet.

Now Ayre... Ayre is also very good but also IMHO kind of different sounding.  It makes the room seem quieter and darker.  I do NOT mean dark as in it lacks treble, not at all.  I mean, it's as if you are listening into a pitch black room from which notes just magically come out of.   It is my favorite?  Should you get one?  I don't know.... I really like the sound.... but it's ... just different?



I had connections back in the day and bought Harry Pearson's Gen Vs, that had 'upgrades'

So far I am really enjoying class a sound from my pass amp. No plan to upgrade for now. Totally happy with the sound

@dekay I never want anyone to feel bad, especially if you are spending your own money on your own choices. :)

I would love to hear all of the amps on your list, @erik_squires, particularly the Ayre products, just by reputation. My local audio shop (Ember Audio) has been very generous in allowing me to listen to their gear as long as I want. I quickly get out of the way when a real customer walks in the door. I have joked that they could market themselves as an adult daycare.  My favorites have been the big Gryphon integrated and the Vinnie Rossi Brama. My current favorite is the current setup: the new North separates by Simaudio. Those separates completely control the Wilson Sasha Vs. The sound is just effortless and totally relaxed, with great detail. I get the feeling that it could drive those Wilson’s to eat-bleeding levels and never distort. I have heard those Simaudio amps with Dalis and Audiovectors as well. I bought a used Simaudio 600i v2 from this dealer a couple of years ago and have no complaints. I have never been to an audio show, but now that I am newly retired, I hope to hear some of those amplifiers you mentioned, Erik. Thank you!

I wish I had been able to hear a lot more amplifiers than I have been, so everyone should please keep in mind that my list is short due to lack of opportunity.   I've heard much about the Gryphons but never actually heard them.