Berkeley Audio Design and MQA?

Why did they espouse MQA, knowing, as we all do now, the inherent flaws and falsehoods?


I'm disappointed that a company like Berkely,

Espousing dedication to fidelity, wouldn't have known and spoken of the false claims of MQA. My gut tells me they must have known; so shame on them.


Why do you create so many anti MQA posts?

Do you know you don’t have to buy MQA devices?

You have created many posts about things you don’t like, why are you not happy?


MQA ..very much like both the A2D and the DAC ( in many cases plural ) used to create / mix / deliver the modern music we all enjoy… ( or not ) ALL have issues… attempting to fix those issues - often directly liked to the various filters ESSENTIAL to ALL digital IS / WAS a noble pursuit…

Did you ask the very accomplished people at Berkeley ?

I own a  DAC still in production some ten years in… @erik_squires .. i view this as good compared to the seemingly endless parade of dac de jour round here….