Value of a preamp?

Other than impedance matching and volume control?


It is still a short thread, but I would agree to some degree with the preceding statements. Insightful and helpful. In my case, achieving synergy between the ear, room and gear is with a good preamp/amp combo. No right or wrong. 

@OP - Well, impedance matching and volume control are two fairly critical functions. For the preamp naysayers, the reality is that any source component that can drive a power amp effectively has a preamp in it. So it depends on how good a preamp you want.

It's a specialist.  Volume control and source selection without degrading signal.

I added a preamp to my integrated amp and that opened my eyes to the impact of a preamp.


I'm an audio troglodyte. I like tone controls and most preamps have them, at least the ones I own! 

A good tubed preamp will greatly enhance your sound period.

kennyc: I disagree, as there are satisfying SS preamps also such as Dartzeel, Audionet, Griffon Commander…  it depends on the execution and of course user preference.

There is nothing for kennyc to disagree with here. There is no implication that SS preamps cannot also be good.