I did not say it was neutral, which I prefer. Someone with a system that tends towards sibilance or someone who just likes bass might like a cartridge like the Charisma. It is also a fun cartridge because of it's dynamic capability.
I try to buy cartridges that are better than what I had. Sometimes it does not work out that way. Lately, I have had my share of problems with cartridges, A noisy cartridge, a cartridge with an angled cantilever and a cartridge with a SRA of 89 degrees unloaded! Only my Trusty MC Diamond has been without fault of my current cartridges. I tend to use it on classical music, string quartets in particular. All my current cartridges sound more alike than different. You have to split hairs to find a sonic difference. Their individual signal to noise ratio in combination with my phono stage is way more obvious. The difference is recording and pressing quality is way more obvious. I will admit that I suffer from expectation bias now and again. There is always a "best." It may change on a continual basis, or not. But, I also admit that I am a sucker for a new cartridge. As a kid I would save and save until I could afford a new cartridge and it was always a banner day when I got one. If I misbehaved my dad would take my cartridge away for a week or two. Finally, i managed to scarf away a second one and I would use it with headphones until I was out of the doghouse. It was still punishment and more than likely one of the reasons I hate headphones.
In the meanwhile RV is thinking we need to go out and do a joint or gummy or something.