Not at any time has been suggested a Platter Mat is a design to favour a Genre of Music.
The fact I like a Platter Mat that has a perception of being Lean on my system when in use and is preferred on use with Rock, Indie, etc, is my choice and no way a suggestion towards anything else.
Just as I never said a Speaker is favourable to a Genre of music, but did say I favour a Speaker Cabinet to be in use when I listen to Blues.
The idea that there is not a taste for a variation of sound as an experience is hilarious, utterly hurting my ribs at the moment, lets all chop the HiFi in and get Alexa.
For the Record, all that I offer to others is free, there is no remuneration in mind at all. Certain individuals have been so impressed with a loaned platter mat it has been gifted to them, and others have made their own efforts to purchase a particular type.
There are contributors in all forums who are types that have very healthily remunerated themselves with their activities around audio equipment, and as a result think of themselves as a authority. My opinion on this does not matter.
What I an sure of, is that there is not one 'know it all' throwing out opinion on a forum, that is going to influence myself, especially when commenting on how I should use my time to generate experiences with and around audio. I will decide what level of Transparency is present and what tools are to be used to maintain this when I get of Bus leaving colouration behind. Nobody else will be making that decision for me.