@neonknight @atmasphere @lewm , I have scoped it out, The problem is the dropped counter weight. It runs into the back of the plinth. Yes it will fit. If you cut the back of the plinth away at the right rear corner behind the tonearm well. You would have to put the cartridge on stilts to get the arm up high enough and you would lose the right rear dustcover hinge.
Lew, the record imparts the energy to the stylus which is suspended. Everything below the resonance frequency is passed to the tonearm, everything above the resonance frequency moves the stylus relative to the arm and the reactive forces must be dissipated by the record which also has a resonance frequency depending on the record's thickness and how firmly it is held down. At frequencies higher than the resonance frequency the record sings like the diaphragm in an old Victrola which is what you are hearing which is high treble. If the record is fixed and can not move across it's entire surface that energy is dissipated by the much heavier platter and you hear nothing. Larger, heavier, stylus/cantilever combination put more energy back into the record and the needle talk is louder.