Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.

I just checked my speaker connections. All using bananas, all nice and tight.

The number of times I’ve had spades get loose instead though.....

Point is, and it really is kind of a tongue in cheek thing, bananas beat spades for long term reliability in almost all setups.  If you have to use a Cardas or Mundorf speaker terminal to ensure your spades stay tight it kind of proves my point.


Spades are usually preferred. When I got my stealth audio cables terminated in banana however, they felt very confident about their specific banana process

In the past they recommended spades but their new process bananas perform 100% as good as the spades, both tested sonically and in measurements. They also bi-wired the ends for me and apparently the bass section is doubled up

I much prefer banana they come out cleanly from the speakers and its easy to make the quick turn


If I was buying a random brand though I would probably look at spades unless I was guaranteed on performance

Amen to that.  I have been dealing with these while. My speaker terminals are up high.  I had bananas bend at the shrink wrap from the weight of the cables so sent them back and had spades put on them.  Wont stay tight.  I found some right angle banana plugs, fancy Rhodium coated ones.  Then the tighten and you can't pull them out and no weight hanging and bending of cable.  Worthy topic, thanks

Both bananas and spades are useful to me, depending on the given connection/reconnection need(s). One’s for eating, one’s for gardening, so to speak.

I think no need for absolutism in this area. 😉

I checked my spades (2 spades on the amp end in combination with 2 bananas and 4 spades on the speaker end) tonight, and they were tight.  It's been at least two or three years since I messed with them at either (amp or speaker) end.

Hmm….  Not if it’s the type of banana plug that spins.
Then one always has a loose compression connection. 

if you tighten your spades enough so they don’t loosen it is a much tighter connection then a banana plug. If the spades loosen this is a poor user issue.