Thinking about switching cartridges.

I have a 2 year old Rega P-10. I'm thinking about switching out the Aphelion 2 for a Hana Red. Is this a waste of money? Your thoughts. Thanks in advance. 


Dear @mijostyn : " I never said you can not replace just the stylus tip of some cartridges.. "


? ? ? ? ? from where came your statement, seems you have a misunderstood because that is not the subjects of my post to you. What’s going on ? ? ? ?


What I posted about Hana, Etsuro and my cartridge was only for you can understandthat Excel is EXCEL and made and makes several OM top today cartridges that audiophiles as you not even knew/know. My cartridge ruby top plate is part of that quality know/how level by Excel, the measured of my cartridge in the chart says that output levels in both channels are exACTLY THE SAME: 0.211MV AND fr FLAT FROM 20HZ TO 20KHZ.

In the other side all what you said about stylus tip " special " polished and the like is only a myth that I believed like 10 years ago for several years and my post confirm that is just false because the Ogura stylus tip in the Fulton cartridge that Joseph Long fix it for less than ( not 300.00, error. ) 200.00 is exactly the same as your over 7K-8K MSL stylus tip. That's why I posted.




@mijostyn " " When a stylus leaves the groove and bounces back and forth it permanently damages the groove. "

All cartridges with out mistracking " leaves the grooves " at microscopic levels because the tracking is not posible that be continuous for any cartridge stylus: no matter what.

So, 60um or 100 um exist that " leaves the grooves ". and again 60um is good enough with any LP ( but Terlarc 1812 or the like. ) to not have additional mistracking. That your mind stays more calm with a 90um cartridge means only that " mind calm ) and that’s all.

I posted in other threads that I listened in my system the Etsuro Gold and it’s an excellent quality performer as it’s the Umami Red too.

For the other gentlemans I agree that the Delos at its price is a real challenge but different to the Umami Red that I prefer over the Delos and I have a lot of respect for Lyra and followed/owned/own almost all its models just from the began with the Evolve.


@mijostyn   " It seems no matter what I say you make hash out of it.. "  Sorry for that. No it is not that way, you already know my respect to you and I have no single rouble with yo or your way of thinking. I'm ok with you. Sorry again.



@mijostyn I do have a lot of respect for you…in a sense… like the baseball loves the bat… We do violently agree on the RP-10…. only with isolation ;-)

Of course the Delos is formidable but should be eclipsed by the $2x ¥ Red… especially considering the oft ignored economic scale Excel enjoy and frankly created by dominating the lower end MC market and …. now..VERY wisely giving those hordes of happy ML customer two destinations to upgrade toooooo. Blue n Red….. 

Also, Lederman has some thoughts on mistracking .. is analog really sampling…..

@tomic601 Peter calls it jitter. I call it miss-tracking.  I have heard the Red but not the Blue. They are good cartridges, but I prefer the Soundsmith, The Zephyr MIMC is 2K and a great value. Soundsmith's customer service is second to none. I can recommend it without hesitation. This is not the case for some companies, I am not familiar with Excel, but I have interacted with MSL, Ortofon, Grado, Lyra and Soundsmith. Soundsmith handily wins the customer service medal.

@rauliruegas I have looked at many styluses under a microscope. Unfortunately, my ability to take pictures is recent and I have no photos of older cartridges to demonstrate my point. I'm sure your Excel cartridge is excellent, but that is an anecdote. I have seen all sorts of defective styluses and mountings coming from very reputable companies. The quality of the diamonds and polish is very variable. It is extremely easy to see. In general the more expensive cartridges get better styluses, but "more expensive" varies from one company to another.  You can get an excellent stylus in a $600 cartridge and I have seen a defective stylus in $10,000 cartridge.  

My experience with Rega, limited to mid and lower TT's, suggests a lack of cartridge alignment capabilities. Not just Rega, but make sure the replacement cartridge geometry is compatible....     just saying.