Value of a preamp?

Other than impedance matching and volume control?


I’ve gone back-and-forth with this since moving to high-sensitivity speakers. I've determined that an active preamp is essential.  Current gain is key even if you don't need extra voltage gain.

The VALUE is in the features a preamp provides. There are MANY different types and features. To me, the 2 main features are Input Switching and Gain Control.

Now of course if you have only 1 source and it has volume control, then by all means try it without a preamp. It may sound perfect. But it also might sound even better with a good preamp, or maybe not. It depends.

But most people need features. Like me, they need input switching, balance control, tone controls, headphone output, etc. It’s not a conspiracy. A preamp is a tool that does a job, and in some cases, you don’t need one.


Other than impedance matching and volume control?

Preamps also provide any gain needed to drive the power amp. This is handy if you have a tape machine, tuner or phono section.

In addition a good preamp will minimize or eliminate colorations caused by interconnect cables. If you've auditioned interconnect cables and heard a difference (for example, one does the highs better) then you know what I'm talking about.

If you get the right preamp, it can have less coloration than any passive system available on this account.

I have my phono stage plugged into my Tortuga Audio LDR attenuator then out from there to my amp.

Very clean and transparent and it`s pretty easy to hear changes made to the system, like swapping cables/interconnects or rolling tubes.

Plays as loud as I would ever want too....Pure as Light 👍