@mijostyn "If subwoofers and main speakers are integrated correctly there is no reason to turn the subs up or down with any genre of music. A system that is tuned correctly does not care what genre you are playing. When I use the term , system I include the room in that category.
Most audiophiles are ball parking it with their ears which are extremely poor calibration devices. There is no substitute for measurement/ "
I completely understand the audiophile aspect but that is not the point I was trying to convey. I use technical measurements, not all ears either. It is entirely irrelevant for me to put an audiophile hat on when I want gut wrenching bass that overwhelms the room and senses. I am literally talking loud parties, disco bass, chest thumping rock, not wine sipping bourbon tasking listening sessions where I am trying to listen to the wood thwack on the drum set or listen for the shimmer of the cymbals. That all goes out the window for me when I am in party mode. Yes, a properly EQed system will provide some of what I am looking for, but this does not fit my lifestyle 100%. I believe OP implies not all things are equal for everyone. I have spent in excess of 100K in building a new listening room in our new retirement house with acoustics in mind. Trust me, I get the bass rationalization. However, I don’t feel the need to split the main audio signals when I can take accurate measurements and feel just as content in my own world. I have had drummers come to the house and listen to my system and tell me this was the only system they ever heard that played drums the most realistic they have ever heard, outside of a live drum session. That is enough for me. I will conclude that yes, the OP has a valid point and something that audio enthusiasts should be aware of but there are many aspects to consider when getting your system optimized. Been doing this for 40 years.
Remember, there is world of counterfactuals out there.