I Don't Understand What Determines When A Thread Gets The Axe

I've only been a member of Audiogon since 2016 or 2017, so maybe some "old timers" could fill me in.  I don't understand how threads covering "beaten like a dead horse" topics, for example, oh off the top of my head, "Cable Deniers", can carry on for days or weeks, have pages and pages of posts from Members that frankly get quite ugly with name calling and basically Grade School playground behavior...yet the Moderators never say a word or never step in with the, "This Discussion Is Closed" Czar-like ruling.


However, when a Member like, say @verdantaudio, tries to warn us about Fraudulent Retail Websites AND has proof that these sites are ripping people off, along with proof from other Audiogon Members who provide examples of these sites conducting fraudulent business activities, the Discussion is shut down and closed.  WHO decided to close the discussion?  The original poster?  Audiogon?  How do you find out?  Better yet, WHY was a topic as important as Fraud shut down after only 30 posts, some with extremely valuable information such as one member who had done a Whois.com research showing extremely sketchy information and another Member who had information about the state of Kansas Fraud Unit investigating one of the companies.


Is it because a Forum Member kept complaining about the post?  Do the businesses in question advertise on Audiogon?  I'm very curious who makes the decisions on which discussions get shut down and which discussions are allowed to drone on and on with behavior and comments that people would NEVER have the guts to say to one another face to face.  I've truly wondered this ever since I joined this fantastic audio community -- a place where I've learned more in 7 years than I had learned in the previous 35 years!


I must say I wasn't at all surprised when I saw the discussion had been closed.  After all, a Member had made this cryptic post  -- "My guess is this thread won't last."  Let's see how long this one does (before it gets zapped, I'd sure like to know the outcome of the Kansas fraud unit that is investigating the company). 


Slow down and enjoy the music...



What bothers me is seeing "Forum Guidelines" that are not followed at best, or totally ignored at worst, because honestly, I have no idea which posts cross the line ...

Specific allegations of felony fraud and doxxing are both grounds for deletion, and the deleted thread contained both of those.

I've seen at least 3 threads where as soon as I reply to someone with these two words: "I'm interested", the discussion goes poof, no matter in what context i use it.

WTH??? I wasn't interested in buying anything, I just wanted to know more about whatever the subject matter was. 


Anybody know how to post on a closed thread?

I know there used to be a way to do it, I can't remember though.

@thecarpathian -- If you can figure out why our cats are jerks, please let me know and we will market the "solution" making millions of dollars in the process! My 7 month old rescues (an Orange brother and his Tortie sister) are teaching my wife and I a thing or thirty about kittens! Mainly, they have one brain cell between them and they take turns using it!


I had no idea you could continue to post on closed threads. I can’t even find the thread once it has been shut down. For example, the thread by @verdantaudio we are discussing does not come up if you search for it. However, if you saved the daily email from Audiogon that had the thread listed (which I did), it appears if you click the link. Must be an Audiogon glitch. You can’t make additional posts -- but you can read the OP and all the comments that get addressed one by one.

I guess whenever people or businesses are actually named, and words like “fraud” and “scammer” are bandied around in the same sentence, then moderators will naturally apply a higher standard when assessing whether or not a post or thread requires intervention. There’s a legal risk in playing host to derogatory and inflammatory comments, and it’s not really viable for moderators to venture out into the world and investigate the claims being made. They’re not attorneys and they’re not the Better Business Bureau, so they’ll naturally and rightly err on the side of caution.

If you want to see wild and unwarranted moderation, spend some time on the WBF.