Knockoffs- how can they just advertise so easily?

Just look at the pictures- are you sure when buying that used cable it is genuine? 

Genuine looking boxes, probably certificates too? Unbelievable. I have heard once a website gets shut down, another one just pops up. 




There is no way Amazon is 50/50 counterfeit vs real.  My average monthly bill with them is $3k to $5k.  I have bought plenty to judge my numbers by...  Maybe on makeup which I have no clue about.  And the Intel X570 NICs seem a bit fishy too...  But on audio components, cables, disc media, etc.  It may be 10% counterfeit.  Notice there are no counterfeit Nordost cables or the like (ie. all of the types you find on Ali Express) on there.

I was studying knockoff Aliexpress Transparent Audio speaker cables against the real deal. Identical.

How can the get away with it?

Do you mean the actual physical product? Or looking at pictures of them.

I just quickly looked up Transparent FAQ, and this is what is says:

Where are your products made?

Transparent cables and power products are designed, developed, and distributed by highly skilled craftspeople in Maine, USA!

Transparent designs and specifies all cables and connectors for the entire Transparent line-up, including all audio, digital audio, HDMI and USB cables, power cords, and power conditioners.


Which does not answer the question!