Records and CDs

I’ve just spent a couple of weeks exclusively going through my extensive record collection playing hardly any digital media and have come to some conclusions.
Records are fun and enjoyable to work with, but ultimately for a music lover they’re a dead end. Since very few new titles are being released on records these days I find myself going through mainly old familiar performances. Then there’s the age old problem of comparing the SQ of both media which is maddening. I just today went back to streaming (and CDs.). I clearly see, for me this is the way to continue my listening habits. Records can be used as a diversion but not the main event.


As I mentioned earlier, for me records cannot be the main event;  This is partly due to the maddening inconsistency in their sound quality compared to the relative reliability  of digital.  True, certain records do sound better than any digital on my system but, unfortunately, that is rare..  I also acknowledge everyone’s system is different in the quality of their digital and analog playback so that comparisons are difficult.  
In response to @larsman, Personally, when I mention the unavailability of new titles I’m referring to classical music which I listen mostly to.  I really can’t speak to other genres.

In my previous analogue frenzy I ordered a relatively expensive cartridge (Clearaudio Maestro.) It will be interesting to see what my listening habits will be after it arrives.


rvpiano OP: Maybe the new cartridge will inspire you, at least for a while.

I stopped and returned to vinyl, including getting rid of my turntables and then rebuying turntables back and forth all over again 3 or 4 times over the past several years before recently giving up on vinyl altogether. I am not sure what drove me to doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, perhaps insanity, as the saying goes, or perhaps nostalgia... I am in the process of removing my turntable from the stand to make room for a laptop and maybe also an old school lava lamp. 🤣 

And all this time I thought I was missing out because I don't have a TT and a LP collection (anymore).