Stepping into streaming, finally

As the title states finally I have gotten into streaming realm. Wanted ethernet streamer connectivity and started with Wiim feeding Denafrips Venus II 12th then into Pathos Inpol Remix and finally to Sonus Faber Venere. Well, I was not thrilled with the sound quality not to mention lack of cooperation from Wiim with pure ethernet path. Tried Bluesound Node, small steps. No dice with Node either. Came across EarMen Stacatto with exclusive ethernet connectivity and no DAC built in, exactly what I needed, very few reviews but took a chance. Well, all the boxes of my needs checked, with sound quality matching CDs, transported by Jay's Audio CDT2 MK3. I think that says a lot. Very satisfied, expectations exceeded.


Interesting. I never heard of EarMen. Looks like a decent option for those using Tidal connect and or Spotify connect.

@knock1 I'm not trying to say anything. I've said it. Relayed my experience. Over and out.

So, if I read the description of the Staccato correctly, it is 100% Bluetooth.  I don't doubt what the OP says he hears, but that's something if BT outperforms Wifi, especially at this modest price.

Bluetooth for controlling the Staccato by phone. The streaming is done via ethernet. I can control the Staccato using computer being signed to Spotify that I subscribe to.

“sound quality matching CDs, transported by Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK3”

Not to parade on your happiness with Staccato…but if you subscribe to Spotify then you’re in for a big treat if you give a chance to Tidal. Spotify streaming quality is among the worst and it certainly not close to CD quality.

Spotify's maximum bit rate for streaming is 320kbps. The audio quality of a CD is 1,411kbps.