MBL Owners: The "Why" Behind Our Choices and the Search for the Ultimate "Wow" Factor

Today, I'm reaching out to this vibrant community with a topic that's sure to spark some fascinating discussions and share the magic we've all experienced with MBL's extraordinary audio creations. As proud owners (or admirers) of MBL products, we've each had our unique journey that led us to choose these masterpieces for our audio setups. I'm eager to dive deep into those stories, the unforgettable "wow" moments, and ponder what the future might hold if we ever decided to explore beyond MBL.

  1. The Initial Spark: What was the pivotal moment or reason that led you to choose MBL? Was it a particular review, a friend’s recommendation, or perhaps a mesmerizing listening session that left you spellbound?

  2. The Wow Factor: MBL is known for its unparalleled soundstage and immersive listening experience. Can you recall a specific track or moment when the MBL magic truly hit you? That instant when you knew there was no turning back?

  3. Future Gazing: While it might be hard to imagine, if there ever came a day to replace your MBL setup, what would be your choice? Is there another brand or system that piques your curiosity or could potentially match the awe-inspiring experience MBL delivers?

Let's turn this thread into a treasure trove of personal anecdotes, technical discussions, and perhaps even a wish list for our ultimate audio setups. Your insights not only serve as a guide for potential MBL owners but also celebrate the profound impact high-fidelity sound can have on our lives.

So, let's get this conversation started! Share your journey, your moments of audio bliss, and your dreams for the future of your sound system. Whether you're an MBL veteran or simply dreaming of one day joining the ranks, your stories are what make this community a haven for audiophiles from all walks of life.

Looking forward to reading about your sonic adventures and the paths you've traveled in the quest for the ultimate sound experience!


Well, I don't have any MBL, but my story is just what you're looking for. Many years ago at AXPONA in Jacksonville, FL I was checking out the audio rooms. I had been to quite a few as I started at the top floor and worked my way down. One room on the bottom floor said MBL. I had kind of heard of them, but never heard their stuff. So anyway, this room is packed with people. So much that I can't even see the system, but the music is loud and I'm struck with the amazement that this is a room with a live band. How nice for them to have a live jazz event to compare to all the other rooms. Well, low and behold, I make my way up front only to see these "things" making the sound. WTF?? That was it for me. I have never forgotten that experience of being fooled into thinking it was a live band. It has never happened since then, as I now know that MBL is special, and I don't look for the band when I go into their rooms any longer.

I almost bought an MBL preamp because it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I read a review and it wasn't exactly what I was looking for but I'm an impulse buyer and almost bought it.

I have a main box speaker and a flea watt box speaker. But for the general living area I was leaning towards the the omnis MBL 120/126 and maybe MBL electronics as iirc MBL speakers require ample current.  

Anyone who likes to here music realistically will love these. They are great.