Network Acoustics Products?

Fellow Audio Fanatics - 

I recently updated my Innuos ZENith mk3 to their 2.6 software. While I was initially incredibly impressed with the sonic upgrade. While the upgrade has provided a more resolving sound, I am now hearing some digital glare and harshness in the system. 

And I had just been sure I had things dialed in for awhile…! 

I’ve read some older forums where Network Acoustics and their filtering devices come highly regarded. I was hoping some of you with direct experience to provide some guidance. 

  1. What impact has the eno, muon or tempus products made in your systems? 
  2. While I don’t think I’ll be able to invest in the Tempus, wondering how big of a difference I would find between eno and muon? 
  3. Do I need to purchase a network switch to sit between my WiFi extender and the Network Acoustic Products? Sorry, but I seem to read contradictory things on that front… 

Thanks in advance! 






I did a lot of optimizations (tweaking for some) in my digital stack. Placing a Network Acoustics Muon Pro Ethernet filter and cable (Streaming Pro) has yielded a much more organic and less shouty (harsh) sound.

DAC’s do not like it when high frequency noise is injected via USB / Ethernet or the power grid (use a very good power cable).

I cannot recommend the Streaming Pro high enough…

But, a very low noise music server is the source, that should be noise free to begin with.

i prefer the etherregen (and outboard clock) to handle the incoming ethernet feed personally, it is what i settled on after trying the eno and muon... it is more boxes and power supplies and so on, but to my ear the sound is purer


Placing a Network Acoustics Muon Pro Ethernet filter and cable (Streaming Pro) has yielded a much more organic and less shouty (harsh) sound.....I cannot recommend the Streaming Pro high enough…

2 equally valid yet contrasting options, which suggests one must try on their own to find out if it works in ones system. I like the first answer though, that helps me to put the Muon lower on the "things to try list" that resides in my head. 

Like others have mentioned though, I don't think a software update should change your presentation that radically; the first thing I would do is research other forums to see if others with the ZENith mk3 have experienced the same? 


@bluethinker is this still your system?


  • Innuos Zenith streamer with NRG “the five” cable
  • Merason DAC1 with a LessLoss power cable
  • Linear Tube Audio preamp with a cardas clear reflection cable
  • Conrad Johnson Classic 120 with a Cardas Clear Beyond XL cable
  • Speakers - switch between Dynaudio Heritage Specials and QLN Prestige 3

Is the digital glare evident with both sets of speakers?

If you had rebooted all your network and streaming components and it didn’t help, I would start with replacing the aftermarket power cords on streamer and DAC. Put the stock cables back on, allow it an hour to settle then listen. If the the digital glare is gone or reduced, introduce the aftermarket power cords one by one. See if that’s the problem.

What ICs and speaker cables are you using?

Hi Everyone - 

Firstly, want to thank everyone for your replies. This is such a funny hobby… incredibly gratifying, but I’m afraid it taps into a certain sense of obsessiveness which isn’t my default approach to life. 

As I’ve changed my system over the last few years, I’m not sure if I needed a psychologist or audio professionals help. It can sort of drive one a bit bananas! 

I will say this, I made a minor tweak (adjusting audio to 100% on the Innuos device and driving volume exclusively with the LTA preamp volume control. I also swapped out “the Five” power cable and replaced it with a spare Cardas Clear power cable from my office system. 

Is it the power of suggestion? Things settling? I don’t know. That said, things are sounding really good again. I have realized my room acoustics are playing a role in things. The space is a fairly big room with hardwood floors and a high ceiling. I tried putting some rugs down in front of the speakers and immediately realized some of the energy I was hearing was probably coming from hard surface reflections. 

In sum, the 2.6 Innuos update is a big upgrade - definitely more resolving and transparent. 

I like to respond to everyone who has posted fully, but just out the door to walk the dog with my wife… I will respond tomorrow to everyone’s individual questions and suggestions! 

For the moment, will quickly respond to a few… 

@audphile1 - Yes. That is my current system. I have not yet tried the QLN speakers since the firmware update. They are more relaxed than the Dynaudios, so it will be interesting to see how they differ. I may also just reset all the electronics per your advice but things are sounding good now. 

It’s crazy, but I swear replacing “the Five” power cable with the Cardas Clear made an audible difference. I think I’ll try switching out the LessLoss cable on the Dac next. 

@mgrif104 - I’d be curious about your asking price for the Network Acoustics and English Electric switch you have sitting around. Please feel free to send me a private message if you are interested in selling. 

Not crazy at all you heard a difference replacing the power cord on the innuous. Have fun and don’t obsess 😂