Minimum Power Needed to Drive Klipsch Cornwall IVs? - Considering Erhard_Audio Ray


I'm new to the the hifi world but have taken up the hobby with alacrity. I recently purchased a pair of Cornwall IVs to go with my Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 2. At the time I purchased the speakers I had no idea what speaker sensitivity is. Now that I do, I realize that I have a lot of interesting options when choosing an amp. I have been toying with the idea of getting an Erhard-Audio Single-Ended Ray along with their Aretha pre-amp. The amp is only 4W/channel. I'm highly skeptical but I've been told that 4W is plenty to drive a 102db speaker and that the sound of an SE amp is amazing.

Wondering if anyone has experience driving Klipsch Cornwall IVs (or other high sensitivity speakers) with a low wattage amp. I'm also interested in experience with SE amps.

My system consists of the following:

Technics 1200G
VAS Nova cartridge
Rogue Audio Triton 2 phono pre-amp
Bluesound Node
Musican Pegasus DAC
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 2

My room is 15' x 30' with 14' ceilings. It's a photo studio in an old mill. I'm often moving around so I need the sound to fill the space. BUT I've gotten noise complaints from my neighbors so...

Musical preference is all over the place. Today I'm listening to Dire Straits, Sturgill Simpson, Paul Simon, Miles Davis, Tycho, Post Malone, Taylor Swift, Michelle Gurevich etc.


I have a lot of seat time w buddy Cornwall i restored / updated. He uses a 300 B Toolshed integrated ….. sounds lovely. When i was working on them a MC240 really made them sing….

Is there something you don’t like with the Magnum combo? Just asking because it’s on my list for the same speakers. Always heard that the Cronus Magnum had some warmth. It had some balls as well. Kinda what I’m lookin for. 

i heard the ones I bought at the seller with an Ayon I think Triton 3 . It was real good. Different room etc but Ayon is on my list as well. 

I have the Ray in a secondary system driving Omega monitors in a larger room and it has plenty of punch. I never felt it lacking in wattage or limited in that regard.  

I use the built in passive pre and have done some upgrades with Miflex coupling caps and upgraded binding posts/RCA's.

This is a beautiful little chunk of an amp.  Louis at Omega finished my monitors beautifully in Padauck to perfectly match the cabinet of the Ray.  As you know the Ray uses very high quality Lindahl transformers.  It's sound is very neutral.  It is not slow, does dynamics well, images beautifully and has good "color saturation" if you follow my analogy.  Many affordable tube choices.  Highly recommended.

For 102 dB sensistive speakers, one watt will give you 102 dB of volume at one meter in front of the speaker. The volume at your listening position further back is a bit trickier since that depends on the size of the room and how it is furnished. Using two speakers (stereo) to the equation will add a couple more dB to what you hear.

Question -- have you bothered to buy a sound level meter or add a sound level app to your phone?  One's person's "loud" is another's "medium" volume, so its a lot better to get a meter and find out for yourself just how loud you like to listen.  These days I find 85 dB in my room about as loud as I want to listen so I'd find 4 watts with a 102 dB sensitive speaker way more than enough. Still plenty of power left for peaks.