It is difficult to find a reliable source for information about audio products. I sympathize with anyone trying to wade through YouTube videos in search of reliable information. My 2 cents worth is this. Search for well organized presentations that include both specifications and impressions. No drama, simple and direct.
hilde45 provided another good summary of reasons I choose to avoid the likes of OCD Mikey. Digging a little deeper regarding the appearance OCD Mikey plays both sides when it suits him, industry insider or rogue outsider. Mikey sells cables described as containing materials and construction claimed to be superior, but provides no cogent technical explanation or test data as proof. Rare earth minerals and a crystal resonating disk provide exactly what scientifically verifiable benefit? That is exactly the same meaningless hype he rails against. Guess he thinks only charging a couple thousand dollars instead of 10 thousand dollars make his meaningless hype OK. Regardless, he provides no proof that his cable is any better than a hundred dollar cable.
OCD Mikey sells expensive audio gear. The rogue outsider routine cannot be taken seriously. I would not waste a single minute watching him going forward.