The Emperor Has No Clothes!!

Read a post the other day where someone characterized a server/streamer as “sweet and tube-like sounding”.  It read like a parody.  Am thinking of starting a company based on tube rectified power supply for network switch.  Crowd funding?


I drive a 2013 Toyota Yaris, I bought it new and it now has 230K miles on it. I hope this doesn't harm my audiophile cred.

+1 @hifiguy42 

My friends ask why my stereo costs more than my car.  The answer is my stereo takes me to places that my car cannot 

I replaced all the solid state components in my car with tubes.  The road is so much more liquid and smooth now, but man when a tube blows, you gotta hope you're not on the highway. 

Let's face it. If there were no people who could be conned, the industry would collapse.