This is not even wrong... All usual living room share more common defects together than any other things ... The only exception are rare room made of some ideal acoustic component materials for ceilings floor and walls with the optimal dimensions and optimal geometry for a speakers type...
You forgot to compare from ordinary living room then to dedicated acoustic room at some level of optimization ( mine used 100 Helmoltz tuned resonators among others devices ) ...
There is not a shred of similarity between any living room even the best one and a dedicated room designed for a specific speakers-system-ears-brain... None... I know it firsthand... Because i designed my room ...
What has been very overplayed are the supposed very important difference between two relatively good pieces of gear when people bored by their "sound" decided to upgrade toward a costlier piece of gear because anyway they dont have the dedicated room to improve acoustic or they dont have the time to do acoustics experiments or they dont have the knowledge to do it really , and if you are not creative anyway, a dedicated acoustics room cost more than a high end system most of the times... These are the reasons why acoustics is downplayed by some audiophiles...
You cannot downplay the importance of acoustics... And acoustics included not only room acoustic but many other fields as psychoacoustics and material physical acoustic, speakers acoustic etc ...
I modified my small speakers porthole and waveguide according to acoustics basic... My speakers which i hated are now top high end in their design and price category...
This is even true for headphones internal chamber of the shell and his content and geometry...
I think the effect of room acoustics has been a bit overplayed online in the last 15 years.