Our body metabolism and soul are rythms...
We cannot be tired of rythms change because it is life itself...
Even creative thinking is more rythms changes in perception and imagination than mere discursive logic...
Music is akin to poetry and geometry the best way to encode and program rythms if we except the body gestures primal codes...
I am never tired by Bach and Scriabin but for sure i appreciate them more if i change my perspective with jazz or Indian or Persian complete different rythms..
Memory is rythm... Imagination is rythm changing...Perception is a balance between these two...
What is not rythm ? Even colors are an ocean with waves... Numbers are rythms we can feel and rythms we can only imagine in the infinite...
God or the source is a manifested rythm coming from an unmanifested one ... Love is rythm...
I dont know what has no relation to rythm...
The stability and unmoving aspect of this world is the illusion...
Deep sleep is not perceived conscious rythm but it is a rythm anyway...
The battle between light and darkness and their wedding is also rythms...
Rythm is frequency with and in and from a dancing body ...
«Shiva or Vénus, nevermind who, she dance»-- Anonymus dance master
As an aside note, even silence is rythmed and itself rythm our brain...
Rhythm of Silence
Author links open overlay panelNai Ding 1 and Hongjian He
«Speech is a complex sound sequence containing statistical regularities on multiple timescales. New research manipulates long-timescale statistical regularities of speech by jittering the duration of silence periods. It provides evidence that low-frequency neural activity (<4 Hz) is tuned to the statistical regularities of natural speech.»
To conclude with Charles Sanders Peirce , we can say that meaning itself is rythm and begin with the number three... Any sign is also a rythm, the potential presence of other signs...
This is why we cannot be tired of anything perceived as meaningful...
But if we recognize any objects from a labelling habit, all rythm are lost, and boredom is born . Children dont put labels on the world, they play with the rythms...
Scientist observing nature go beyond consensual accepted labels...