New streamer needed

My streamer, 10yrs old, stopped functioning. Now I am listening to CDs again with the transport of the older Accuphase DP-67 and Merason Frerot DAC. The combination sounds great, very detailed and transparent. Now I am wondering how much money I would need to spend on a new streamer to match that sound level and which brands and models to look for. Any suggestions, possibly also from people who know the Merason and/or Accuphase? I am using Qobuz for streaming, and wireless options would be great too. Thank you.


Thanks for your recommendations, I will look into these. I have the Merason power supply. Perhaps difficult to comment on, but now I am considering selling the Accuphase and replacing it by a streamer like the N100. Will the sound quality be on par with the/a CD transport?

I’m not sure about N100. Not familiar with Accuphase or Merason either.
It took Aurender N200 in my system to level the playing field. 

Unfortunately the N10 is beyond my budget. I am in Europe. Used the only N100s still available here are the H versions with the USB output.

I be the odd man out and suggest taking a look at the Bryston BDP-3.  One over on USAudiomart for $2k