New streamer needed

My streamer, 10yrs old, stopped functioning. Now I am listening to CDs again with the transport of the older Accuphase DP-67 and Merason Frerot DAC. The combination sounds great, very detailed and transparent. Now I am wondering how much money I would need to spend on a new streamer to match that sound level and which brands and models to look for. Any suggestions, possibly also from people who know the Merason and/or Accuphase? I am using Qobuz for streaming, and wireless options would be great too. Thank you.


I’m not sure about N100. Not familiar with Accuphase or Merason either.
It took Aurender N200 in my system to level the playing field. 

Unfortunately the N10 is beyond my budget. I am in Europe. Used the only N100s still available here are the H versions with the USB output.

I be the odd man out and suggest taking a look at the Bryston BDP-3.  One over on USAudiomart for $2k