Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper vs. Cardas Clear interconnects

I currently have the Cardas Clear interconnects and speaker cables in my system.  I demoed several AES cables from The Cable Co. and the Acoustic Zen Absolute 110 AES/EBU cable won the shootout.  

Has anyone compared the Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper interconnects with Cardas Clear interconnects?  I would like to hear your impressions and this includes any Acoustic Zen speaker cables vs. “Cardas Clear” speaker cables too.  At some point, I would like to demo the Acoustic Zen cable loom from The Cable Co., (e.g., Hologram II or Absolute speaker cables).  I’m on cruise control with HiFi purchases for a little while, however, I like the Absolute 110 AES cable so much, I might want to pursue the Acoustic Zen interconnects and speaker cables at some point.

I know I have to demo the cables in my setup to form my own opinion, but I’m interested in your impressions if you’ve compared the aforementioned.

Thanks in Advance!


@audphile1 I appreciate your impressions!  Sharing a comparison of several other cable brands and how the Absolute Copper interconnects sound in your system is good information.  

I am surprised the Absolute speaker cable was dark sounding in your system because it’s a hybrid cable and it seems like the silver would eliminate the dark sound?  Not so in your setup.  So, are you replacing the Acoustic Zen with Nordost Tyr 2 interconnects and speaker cables?  I will be trying the Absolute Copper interconnects at some point.

Thanks for your impressions and I hope you can get the new amp dialed in!


I have the Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper XLRs which I felt were an upgrade from Harmonic Technology Magic Link 2's.  I also have the AZ Absolute speaker cables which are great.  I didn't carefully compare them to anything else but my system certainly doesn't sound dark.

But you specifically asked about AES cables, and recently I bought a Shunyata Etron Python AES cable that simply trounced my Audioquest Coffee Coax cable in exactly the same setup just different connections.  And in talking with several people it seems the Shunyata digital cables are very well regarded in general.  I don't have any other expensive digital cables to compare to but if you are doing a serious comparison I would add the Shunyata's into the mix.

I did replace them with Tyr 2 XLRs. 
I’ll add that I tried the Absolute speaker cables when I had Martin Logan Montis speakers, not with my Wilson Sabrina. But the XLRs were replaced when I already had the Sabrinas. Once again, I didn’t replace them because they were bad but only because of the synergy with the new amps. 
I would encourage you to try the speaker cables and the XLRs to see how they sound in your system. Overall fantastic cables and I highly recommend them. 

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