There not experimental, they use the largest triode ever made, every part in the circuit has to be able to handle the voltage. One tube can be over 150 watts of output power, so you can use a set amps like these for lower efficiency speakers.
OCD mickey website and negativity.
I see videos from this individual frequently he's got a show every night almost on YouTube which is live. It's interesting.
I'm not familiar with the brands on his website and he doesn't seem to be happy about lots of stuff. He visits stores and complains about how terrible their equipment is and that no one knows what they're doing without really explaining him himself.
I've learned many things from him but I don't know why his gear that he represents seems lacklustre, I'm not gonna mention it here but maybe I'm wrong. There are many outstanding so-called higher end audio gear that's out there and he doesn't seem to carry any of it.
The NAT amps sound amazing. I just picked up the Magma M HRS mono's. I got home yesterday. I also own the 805 Generators, there's a picture of them in my virtual system. The Magma M's are single ended triode. The Generators are push pull triode. After listening to them in my rig last night and most of today, I can tell you that the Magma M's are more musical sounding than the Generators. They both have great range and bass response. My speakers need massive power from tube amps given that they are 88 dB at 1 meter and 4 ohm. |
I love how your NAT amplifiers look. I think the tube size on your amplifier seems more appropriate for since the oversized tubes I see from OCD. How long does it take to get an amplifier from him? What happens if they need to be repaired do you send them back to Mike Powell or back to Serbia? I had a return issue on some amplifiers and fortunately my dealer was nearby replaced the amplifier but if I had to get it serviced, it would've taken 3 to 4 months if I'm lucky. Maybe they can fix it here in the US if I was to buy one.
@emergingsoul, Thanks. The Magma New tubes are quite a bit bigger than the Magma M tubes. The Magma New chassis is also taller than the M chassis. |