Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player

Hello.  Have an opportunity to purchase a mint condition Oppo 205 universal player for $2,500.  I'm heavily into multi-channel SACD and Blu-Ray music playback.  Seem like a reasonable deal?  Any other suggestions?

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Yes, not sure what you mean by “in from the tv”?  I have a Samsung 75” smart TV  it has optical audio out which I run to the Oppo 205 for audio when streaming movies from Netflicks etc or watching anything on my cable box/pvr. It has several hdmi inputs but no hdmi output that I’m aware of. I run hdmi out from Oppo to tv for playing blue ray discs. 

The Magnetar 900 is very similar to the Oppo 205 but at over double the cost the 205 is still a superior player as far as features go.  The Oppo has 2 usb inputs, hdmi input, optical input, and coax input. The Magnetar only has the 2 usb inputs and none of the rest. Also the lack of volume display on the unit would be a problem for me. It sounds like both units use the same Sabre dac chipset. Not sure how they would compare audio and video wise. I’m sure the newer Magnetar may have a slight edge being newer and updated but I’m very happy with the 205 and don’t have any plans to change unless it quits and can’t be repaired.


Thanks for your input regarding using the 205 as preamp.  I will be retiring my AVR soon and plan to replace with 7-channel amplification in one configuration or another.  I'm planning to use my 205 as the preamp until either lack of ease-of-use and/or performance convince me to purchase a preamplifier/ processor.  I've read some other postings of guys doing the same, but any words of wisdom would be appreciated.