I would not let GAN transistors be your deciding factor ,that is just one small influencing part of a big chain of parts . Much has to do with how substantial the power supplies are , quality of build ,and output stage . Some build pretty boxes
look at Merrill a fine product but put a pretty face on it with nice machined cases
and then $25-$30k I was shocked ,just 3 years ago they were around $10k .if I am going to spend over $10 k AAvic from theDanish Audio group makes Outstanding
gear That get get very $$ ,But they have a entry level line that is very refined with lots of trickle down technologies that is reasonable a integrated starting around $6k. The Danes are known to build excellent products .I owned a class D product
I regret selling from Gato audio very natural and musical. I think they have a Canadien distributor .their 150 monoblocks with a meter is very well respected .
check these guys out . Sorry I cannot remember everything here but it’s a good starting point.