Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

“Well I can confirm what others have said here about the Michelangelo. It's absolutely insane. It just makes music sound like a record like nothing ever heard. Glorious highs, thick mids, deep usable lows. I redid a couple masters that I had done recently and the pre-Michealangelo versions sound truly lame next to the new ones. What's funny is the original masters always sound fine when you listen to them on their own. Then after hearing the MA version and going back...it's just sad.”

Another great quote from Gearspace thread. How can I NOT buy this magic box?  When I bought the CO in ‘13 the reviewers there called it a magic box too. But not nearly to the degree of the MA. I must acquire this piece!

@tlcocks I'm so sad that I'd gotten a bum Charter Oak unit. Looking back thru emails, I bought it in 2011 when it first came out, and within a month I had to return it with several problems.  I got it back, and it was better, but it still had issues.  Mine was an early unit, but the company had just relocated, and they had production issues. That's the problem with small niche companies.  Mike Deming of Charter Oak was a brilliant engineer, but keeping up with the rigors of production and growing the company was a struggle.  

I'm looking forward to your experience with the Michelangelo! 

The Michelangelo thread a Gearspace is amazing. Lot of great discussion also on digital vs analog. Another great quote:

”Agree with that 100%. Indeed nowadays some plugins "emulations" (aiming for analog color) are sounding quite great (and some free plugins are quite amazing tbh) but in a "real world mixing or mastering job" most of the times Plugins are still sounding "too much", or "too muddy", or "too bright" etc etc, where Hardware is still much more forgiving and musical. Too many time I end up bypassing plugins, where analog always stays on ”

@audiorusty running the cables around the perimeter is tricky because of two doorways to navigate either under or over. Old weird farmhouse. If I decide I really want it nearby then I'll put some more thought into it.

@ellajeanelle the API unit I recently purchased is completely silent in my system whether engaged or in bypass mode.I'm a novice at equalization being that this is my first professional eq component but Gearspace does have a wealth of knowledge to glean.Right now I'm much too biased in favor of what this thing does for my system to encourage anyone why or what to try.I'm enamored.