Esoteric K03XD

I have the opportunity to buy the Esoteric K03XD at a extremely attractive from a out of state friend.  I trust his ears and he has always bragged about how the XD line was much more musical and organic than previous Esoteric players.  Anyone heard the K03XD? I was never in love with the sound of the older players.  Any feedback about this player would be truly appreciated!
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The key to any gear is the power supply and the Esoteric players I've owned all have huge power supplies and the built quality is 2nd to none. I have no issues with CDs if mastered with care and I'm a vinyl man. I know for years the magazines have done a 180 on them bashing them while before they rated gear as SOTA using CDs as the source. You need a well-made and designed CD player to bring out what the CD medium is capable of. Esoteric and a few others do a great to superb job, the Marantz SA10S1 would be a great start, and then of course the Esoterics. Power cords matter when powering them. 

I have no issues with my K-03XD.  I had a Marantz ModWright player before the Esoteric.  The Esoteric is better in every way as it should be.  I don't find it bright or fatiguing and it will be my end game player / transport.  The only way to ship these is via freight on a pallet not through other methods wich can tumble the boxes and screw up the transport.  

I have an K01-X which offers various filter settings to adjust the sound. Nothing dry or sterile. Esoteric releases every 2 years a new product that is supposedly a breakthrough. Not fun if you own these units as the value loss is not to be underestimated. Assuming they are better every generation then we start from a very high quality and go up from there, meaning these will all be end game units with minor differences. I think this is a save buy from a highly respected brand.