Dear @mijostyn : Phonograph needle slow-motion microscopy (
Even inside the ideal cartridge/tonearm resonance frequency how can help the cartridge stylus jitter?
We can see several things, first of them is the way very hard task the stylus tip has to ride those tortuose groove modulations, cartridge/tonearm job should be really fenomenal for been faithful to the groove modulations information recorded there the other thing we can see is that the stylus tip ridding is almost " out of its control " almost at " random " as the self cartridge tracking habilities permits it.
And it’s these critical microscopic out of control stylus tip movements the ones that must and should be " tamed " to lower the developed distortions/to lower the additional non recorded movements and for the stylus tip pick up a higher true groove modulations.
Could you share what to do about? because jitter means higher added distorion levels. Due that you posted:
" With proper tonearm matching damping is not needed and indeed is a negative. It is like adding friction to your bearing and forces the cartridge to work harder "