You tube hifi influencers. Love them or hate them?

Not sure if I posted this in the right place but here goes. I've been an audiophile for over 50 years. Way back in the day, brick and mortar stores allowed for extensive auditioning and experienced reviewers  from the few established audio magazines gave fairly honest reviews of equipment. Now there is an army of tube influencers and online reviewers with varying degrees of experience/bias praising  their flavour of the month components that dominate the scene. What's a new audiophile to do? I trust the opinions of members of various forums more so than any of these influencers except for perhaps "The Audiophiliac", Guttenberg. How do you feel?


We have been in this pursuit for the same about amount of time. Absolutely nothing has changed in the process if you want to be efficient about it. There are less audio stores. But you use those, maybe find some local audiophiles to listen to their systems, and read Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and HiFi+.


A survey of influences will be largely a waste of time. Watching YouTube videos can waste enormous amounts of time to asses if you can believe them… most are too biased or many lack experience. Hard work and money is still the key. You can get info from here… particularly from those that try explain their systems and preferences and post their systems so you can assess their preferences.

I have gone through a major upgrade about every five to ten years for the last fifty years. About thirty years ago I got my first tube component, a preamp… then every so slowly (not purposefully moving to tubes) one component after another became tubed. The move was driven by increased exposure to real acoustic music. Including over ten years with season tickets to the symphony. I slowly realized that by concentrating on details and bass… the imaging, etc… I had largely lost the musical involvement and emotional connection. As I added one after another great tube component the music came back. My system is now invisible to my ears… I am pulled into the music. You can see my systems under my UserID.


I ignore most of such. On the other hand, build your own channel and speak whatever you wanna speak about and you'll find followers.

the odds of (1) an experienced audiophile (2) with high level gear and (3) music experience also having the (4) motivation, (5) personality and (6) technical knowledge to do YouTube commenting (6) effectively is remote. if they are already in the HiFi business then they have (7) agendas.

YouTube is about ’click-bait’ they have to be controversial or turn over gear quickly to keep attention from subscribers. both those approaches are not really what most serious audiophiles are interested in. sure; hifi newbies do like to be entertained.......which is the relevant audience for this stuff.

i’d rather look to fellow hobbyists or reviewers i know for feedback, and reserve YouTube for entertainment and real world ’how-to’ info.