Dog pissed on speaker

Any suggestions for how to remove dog piss from speaker, including on paper cone? Klipsch Heresy IV. It still has faint smell, and if I can still smell it must be strong to the dog. Dog has stopped peeing there but I’m still concerned he might again, driven by the smell. And if I get rid of the speakers, who would buy it?


Leave the speaker driver alone.  You will do more harm than good trying to remove the urine. Dog urine is has a significant mineral load.  This will change the Fs of that driver.

If you want to preserve your stereo image, have him urinate on the contralateral driver--all will be good.


(Sorry man--couldn't resist.  Seriously, you will probably never hear the urine burden but if it drives you nuts you can recone or replace the driver.)

That’s the problem with pets! Had a cat years ago that scratched all the pieces of a very nice new leather living room set and tried to start using my speaker grills as a scratching post. The cat and owner were politely asked to find another good loving home!

Dissolve baking soda and water in a spray bottle and mist the area.  The baking soda will get rid of the smell. Sprinkle pepper around the speakers. It will keep the dog from doing it again. Hopefully you have carpet because pepper on a hard floor wouldn’t be so feasible.

In the late 60s my first pair of speakers were JBL Dorian S12s. Our cat liked the grills. In those days grandma’s all had clear vinyl covers on their furniture. I found a shop and had them make me 2 flat bottom bags the size of my speakers. When not using them I put the bags over the speakers. Worked like a charm.