Stuff You Tried To Love

I know we talk a lot about confirmation bias- we buy something and then convince ourselves we like it. Or something like that. But did you ever buy something you wanted to love and just couldn’t make it work? For me, Esoteric X-05 SACD/CD player. Bought from a local who was upgrading to the X-03. Big, beautiful piece of gear, but I couldn’t get used to the sound after 6 months of trying. Sold it to another local- I insisted he listen before he bought and I believe he sold it soon after as well. Totem Forest and Hawk. I loved the whole concept. Slim, easy to live with. Couldn’t get them to work in my room. The Model Ones were much better. I had a couple of other pieces, but this is long enough. BTW, these were bought used without audition.



With all due respect, I don’t see the purpose of this exercise.

You could’ve just as easily suggested any one of 100’s of other Jazz recordings and my response would be the same: I recognize the talent and artistic merit but feel more deeply affected by something else.

I could say the same for much visual art, much poetry, etc. It is entirely possible to recognize the merit of an artwork while at the same time feeling less engaged by it than some other artwork.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences and we needn’t justify our preferences; indeed, the reasons for our preferences are not always easily discernible.

However, if our default mode is automatically judging whatever we like as "good" and whatever we don’t like as "bad", that’s a problem, in my view. To clarify, I’m not suggesting you are doing this! I’m merely drawing a comparison.


Interesting short Bio of Ostad Elahi:

This video explains that Elahi designed an instrument with two strings that are deliberately not quite in tune. I noticed this effect as soon as I began listening to the track. This is a very different approach than what I’m used to as a guitar player!

... And another, longer film:




Wow.  The purpose was simply to share with another member a piece of music I love, and to see if you might love it as well.  That’s all.  I’d be a little surprised if you didn’t, but wouldn’t judge you.  And of course it wouldn’t diminish my love one way or another.

Btw, it’s my desert island song. if I had to choose just one.