I hope readers understand that I’m talking about reducing the motion of the outlet relative to the outlet box, not discussing improving the grip strength of any particular outlet. 😅
It seems some of you feel I have impugned the honor of your brand of outlet or AC cable and I worry I didn’t properly communicate that even the best outlets use metal tabs at the end to secure them against the drywall. If that drywall is worn, damaged or missing then the outlet will move in the wall/outlet box and feel spongy.
The higher the insertion force of your outlet and plug and or the heavier the cables are, the more it wears down the drywall each insert/removal cycle. For those of us with older (i.e. not new) homes this can be a real issue all around the house and fancy outlets with tight grips make things worse.
The two accessories I recommended are just ways of supporting the drywall in one way or another to give the utmost confidence even to an old outlet box, anywhere in your home.
If you are still offended, we duel at dawn!