electronic music

I am looking for new classical music that uses mostly or only electronic instruments. But not slow stuff -- Eno, Luther Adams, etc. -- but with more energy. Electronic instruments offer possibilities that objects (classical instruments) don’t and I would like to listen to something that makes musical sense, not just thumping DJ electronic stuff. Any recommendations? many thanks in advance.


yes, indeed, most suggestions cannot be considered classical music. thanks for these. 

One of the first to create "classical music" with electronics tools or instruments and any other kind of sounds way over tonality/atonality and theorizing music as organized sounds is Edgar Varèse.. I disliked all his input...😁

His music is more disorganized sounds than organized indeed...

But he became famous name beside Bach... Enjoy if you think music is about taste only ... I think music is about consciousness levels and indeed Varese has his place in this consciousness levels scale ...I just think it is way under Bach ...😊 Sorry to be rude if Varese family read me...

Pop art is way under Leonardo and Rodin too ... 😊

Here one :


I will not contest the fact that he was creative man as Andy Warhol was or Man Ray...

But so what i had some very creative neighbours in my city too ...😊

WE can be surprizing as an artist and lack content and lack transformative power to modify for the best the human soul...These artists are rarely remembered...

As think our friend : «I am popular because joy value more than anxieties»-- Groucho Marx 🤓



To be fair he wrote also this which is way more "orthodox" modern classical music but i dislike it too :


I prefer electronica mixed with acoustic instrument with a cultural background here sufism  and Turkey:

I like all his albums  : Mercan Dede