Stuff You Tried To Love

I know we talk a lot about confirmation bias- we buy something and then convince ourselves we like it. Or something like that. But did you ever buy something you wanted to love and just couldn’t make it work? For me, Esoteric X-05 SACD/CD player. Bought from a local who was upgrading to the X-03. Big, beautiful piece of gear, but I couldn’t get used to the sound after 6 months of trying. Sold it to another local- I insisted he listen before he bought and I believe he sold it soon after as well. Totem Forest and Hawk. I loved the whole concept. Slim, easy to live with. Couldn’t get them to work in my room. The Model Ones were much better. I had a couple of other pieces, but this is long enough. BTW, these were bought used without audition.


@viridian The ortofon bronze sounds wonderful with a tube phono preamp. Its a great cartridge. Fremer mentions the use of a tubed phono stage with the bronze in one of his cartridge shootout articles.

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Vanderstenn 2ce

I had them for about six months and tried everything. Different gear, all kinds of different placements, etc. They just did not sound right to me. Really wanted to keep them but in the end they had to go. Their new owner is enjoying them very much. .

For me it was a Cambridge Audio 840A integrated.  When I took my first real step into the audiophile world it was the other amplifier that I was considering.  I had already stretched my budget with speakers and wasn't planning to upgrade from my consumer level Onkyo receiver, but it sounded so bad that I couldn't live with it.  I wasn't completely ready to give up on home theater, so ended up with an Integer Receiver that I still have have enjoy around 15 years later.  I eventually picked up the 840A used with the plan of using its home theater bypass capability to separate out my stereo components.  The first issue was it. being incompatible with my Integra receiver which results in a lot of noise (not necessarily its fault).  If found a Cambridge Audio receiver for a great price so picked it up with the goal of making the total change and confirming if the 840A had an actual issue, but that combination simply didn't sound good to my ears.  I sold the CA receiver to a friend who's still using it and then played around with the 840A as a stereo component.  It always sounded digital and grainy to my ears.  It was the one that got away so to speak, but once captured it got sent away.  It was the gateway to my current Pathos Classic One MKiii integrated by way of trade-in, so it served its purpose.  Expectation bias and a sentimental desire to own it were both strong which is likely the only reason that I didn't move it along right away.