Specific Node/Airplay question

I know very little about digital and don’t have much interest in it; I bought a Bluesound Node 2i a few years ago to try Tidal but canceled the subscription shortly afterwards. The Node sat unused for years. The other day I learned I can stream Apple Music over the Node; SQ wasn’t great, but it’s coming from my phone, so I wasn’t expecting much. Here’s my question… if I only use my Node to stream Apple Music from my phone, does having an external DAC make a difference? Or, is the music so compressed, that it won’t matter? I’m asking because I’m shopping for a new preamp and considering a McIntosh c2300. But there are C2500s (built-in DAC) for the same price and the c2600 (better DAC) for a little more. The C2700 is too expensive and I don’t plan to ever “up” my digital game; I’m a vinyl guy and this digital stuff would likely be for my wife.


Don’t connect your phone to the node via Bluetooth. A common mistake and major SQ reduction. 

(I don't know how to reply directly to a comment, but THIS is what I was talking about)... From dinosore:

Be aware that when you use AirPlay2 on an iPhone or iPad, the Apple Music app will down-sample the stream to a very lossy 256kbps (versus 1,411 kbps for 16/44.1 CD quality). 


I suppose I wasn't clear... this would be typically my wife playing music from her phone, or me playing music (from my phone) when we are doing chores (not necessarily in the room with the stereo). Actually, we live in NYC and don't have a "listening room" like many of the folks around here (I can't imagine what that would be like).

So, it seems that the DAC (either Bluesound or external) isn't going to make much of a difference since the Apple Music app will be killing the SQ anyway.

Thanks for the responses!

I don't get it. I haven't read much about it, but this makes me curious

How Hi-Rez is Wireless???

Use the Phone as a Remote Control ONLY! Nice

My friend did a search on his phone, picked a song, hit play. Sounded bad.  Evidently (from above) IF via Apple Music it is a low rez file going to/thru the phone via Satellite then wireless from phone to streamer?

How is a hi-rez file getting to the streamer? not thru the phone correct? Phone asks for your selection, then what/how

Doesn't the phone have to talk to the hi-rez music provider (thru streamer which is wireless to cable company's router? or phone via satellite?) which then sends the file to the Streamer (how?) ...

:to cable companies wired router, then wireless from that router to streamer??

MQA was acquired by Lenbrook, parent company of NAD and Bluesound, so it is not “out of business” nor “dead”.  My advice to the OP is to restore their Tidal subscription and enjoy their Node 2i through a new-to-them C2600 DAC. Many of my customers report the MAC DAC outperforms the one in the Node, and you can use Tidal Connect as your source for quality files. 

^ If I'm going to sit and listen to music, it will be vinyl. Tidal is too much of a hassle (and too expensive for how little I would use it).