Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops

Does this mean that the problem is the stylus/ Needle?

Please Help!



yes sort of a rumbling sound with the sound muffled. muffled is a better description.

I have a Technics 1500C TT connected to an old Denon receiver.

Nothing has changed.  Not sure what is happening. Odd.

I hope you did not forget to connect the ground wire from Tt to the receiver? If you did not connect it, You will get all those problem you describe.

"Flubbing" does sound like something other than static electricity problem. Look very carefully for things that may be touching each other that normally should not be touching.  Best to get a knowledgeable friend to visit your home and take a look. These sorts of oddball problems are sometimes impossible to solve from afar. Is the cartridge bottoming out against the surface of the LP?  In that case, yes, you need either a new cartridge or a new stylus assembly if your cartridge has replaceable stylus.  But check your VTF else you will ruin even a new cartridge or stylus assembly, if VTF is too high.