AI (Audiogon Intelligence)

AI tools are popping up everywhere to help provide reliable answers to people’s questions.  Users here could really benefit by not having to go elsewhere for that. I say Audiogon, make it so! How about you?


I heard a lecture yesterday by Jennifer Heimberg.  She is the Program Director of The National Acadamies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in DC.  She talked about many of the positive benefits of AI but also some of the alarming issues.  One is that AI has lately been creating scientific papers, completely bogus, but with all the proper look, to justify a possible outcome.  The other conclusion I took away is that AI confirms confirmation bias.  If you want it to justify an opinion that you have formed, it will just that, but it tends not to give an unbiased presentation.


+5 mahler123

Inexplicable. Complete trust in AI for everything is an unfathomable human trait in some.  As a monitored and understood tool, fine.  But, one can quickly search out hundreds of anecdotal examples of GPS catastrophes running drivers over demoed bridges, off interstates to snow closed roads incurring death by hypothermia goes on and on.

Celebrate the positive aspects, but this will also develop into an occult technology.  Look up occult before going crazy.  It's descriptive medical terminology we use all of the time.

One is that AI has lately been creating scientific papers, completely bogus, but with all the proper look, to justify a possible outcome.

No need for A.I. anybody who studies the scientific litterature know that...

Many ex directors of prestigious medecine publications tell their observation : Half the publications are not trustfull in any way because the dice of statistics are loaded.. it is easy to verify that on the web.

All big corporations are criminals if not by intention by necessity (profit and control.)

Now imagine that you give A.I. technology to these corporations designed to be criminals anyway as they are ?  They are criminals in design  since Bernard Mandeville the ultimate economics and master psychological thinker since 1700 (says Hayek) designed their organization and the economy of the psyche and the financial and material economy, and the social classes organization way before Marx and way better and before Adam Smith who plagiarized it completely and hide his main concept with a more benign one ( vices are replaced by self love as the market roots as explained in the genius of Mandeville  truth are not so good to tell to everyone  anyway thought Adam Smith 😊 ) ?

Sorry to say so many things in this short sentence and question ...😁

Audiogon intelligence exist but distributed among a lot of uninteresting posts...

To answer the OP question...

The good news is that it is very easy to separe the wheat from the chaff ...

it takes me time in the beginnnings for sure...

Now it is as easy as reading a simple book...

It was way more difficult for me to understood who is right and who his wrong in medecine...

The last 4 years help us a lot to see who are the fraudster and why and how ...

We learn by studying...

in audio by experimenting ...Reading about gear impressions is almost useless in the long run ...Save to buy a relatively low cost synergetical system. After that nothing will replace acoustics experiments sorry ...