Personally, I always buy brand new as long as I can afford it. Will buy used if the item is no longer available new and if it’s a must have for me, but mostly only in person so I can verify its authenticity and functionality or will order if it’s an item that I already have and already know what to expect and to look for. If the savings is substantial (relative to each individual) I would be more inclined to buy used from a reputable source at half price or less and only if it can be returned without hassle. I don’t have a problem overpaying for something to get what I want the way I want it. Good service merits its own price tag.
At least with cables, since it sounds like that’s what you’re interested in there’s not much to go wrong there but would be beneficial to already have a one to compare to and make sure it’s authentic. Lots of fake stuff going around...
I would never buy open box or used speakers without auditioning. Highly likely to have been abused or damaged and a hassle to repack, carry and return.