Purchased a used Shure V15 Type IV cartridge, looking for stylus

I purchased a used Shure V15 IV with a NOS stylus but I believe it is an aftermarket as it does not say Shure across the stylus, but it does have the dampening brush. I have looked at the Jico replacement stylus’s and am leaning towards the one with Boron cantilever and super elliptical stylus. I believe Jico is getting around $280.00 give or take.

LA Gear also sells a stylus for much less as well as many sellers on flea bay. I hear that the higher end Jico stylus with the ruby canteliver has a tipped up high end and Jico claims their stylus with the Boron canteliver is closest to the original with the Berellium stylus. Since I can’t listen or try before I buy, I am looking for anyone with experience on this. The cartridge should arrive on Wednesday and a new headshell and mounting hardware should be here by Saturday.

Of course I will try with the supposedly NOS stylus but most likely 99% sure I will buy a replacement just for the peace of mind. Looking for knowledge and answers from those that know.  I only paid $140 for the cartridge and owned one back in the day (1978) and always loved the sound of it.  This will be a third cartridge so it won’t be in use all the time.  Thanks.


this, from Stereophile review of Shure V15V IV about Shure’s DAMPED brush

"The Damping Brush
The V15-IV is equipped with a small, fine-bristled brush mounted directly in front of the stylus and pivoted via damped hinges. The pickup can be used either with the brush raised and locked out of the way, or lowered so that the brush rides in the grooves. The brush is supposed to serve two purposes: To hold the cartridge directly over the average groove path, and to absorb warped-disc undulations. The result is a reduction in inward pull (due to the arm’s offset angle), effective damping of the arm/cartridge resonance in both the horizontal and vertical planes, and reduction of spurious subsonic interference as a result of warps and groove eccentricities. Not surprisingly, it is highly effective in accomplishing its goals; surprisingly perhaps, it does these things without producing a trace of background noise due to the brush’s contact with the disc—normally."


Jico Shure replacements have a brush, but they are NOT DAMPED. Like Shure’s you can play with it up or down.

My Shure V15VxMR body, (I broke the beryllium) I use a Jico SAS on Boron Cantilever, non-damped brush, use up or down.

I got clever, bought a Shure 97xe (my favorite Elliptical) with a damped brush. Had Steve at VAS re-fit it with an advanced stylus on boron. Now I am the only person I have heard of with 97xe with an advanced stylus. AND, it fits my Shure V15Vxmr body! Thus I can have a damped brush on either V15Vxmr body or 97xe body.


There is no way I would buy an Elliptical for your cartridge, the performance of the body's magnet ... separation, channel balance will be retained, and the advantages of an advanced stylus shape are gained. I use the same light tracking force the Shure’s have, also advantageous for both stylus and groove wear.

AND I will not use or pay for anything stiffer than Boron, they are too delicate. I have a vintage Sumiko Talisman with Sapphire cantilever, my 75 year old hands are very careful messing with it.



If I use the brush, what do I set tracking at? If I want to track at 1.5 grams, do I add .5 grams for the brush or just leave it at 1.5G?

Yes, brush down, you add .5 grams to tracking weight measurement, move brush up for measurement: measure 2.0 grams, brush down, you will get 1.5 grams. (Shure calculated that the brush pushes up .5g)

Thus you set anti-skate at 1.5 grams, not 2.0.

I use the blank side of an LP to set anti-skate visually, you can check it when playing a warped LP with the brush dn, re-check when playing with the brush up, the majority of the time. Don’t trust the anti-skate dials, you will find that they are not accurate most of the time.

Down for anti-static even if LP not warped? You can check, see if it makes a difference, if so, play with it down, make above measurements

search Amazon:

Hudson Hi-Fi Turntable Cartridge Alignment Protractor Mat (Single-Sided Print, no Strobe Included)


I went for the Jico SAS with Boron cantilever for my Shure V15 Type 3. Sounds great to my ears. Tracks like a dream. I am using a vintage Pioneer 707 table and am getting excellent vintage results. It sounds just like I remember the hi end systems sounding in the 70s.

I am using the Jico Boron SAS stylus on a Shure V15 IV, and find it a very satisfying replacement. Measuring the response with pink noise and the REW RTA, I am able to get a very flat response. Tracking is good, although not quite as good as with the original stylus.