I am flabbergasted by the fact that all aspects of hearing and interpreting sound quality with all concepts and the control parameters linked to them exist in many acoustics science article...
Timbre is very precisely described for example...
Then we dont need to buy a piece of gear so called " high end " to know what a better timbre experience is.
We pick a basic synergetical audio system to begin with and we play by experiments with the many parameters between system and room and ears in their three working dimensions...
i know what is Immersiveness conceptually and by experience for example not because i bought a very costly high end system as THE solution , but because i learned how to create immersiveness with all the possible varied parameters i can control and play with . I called the balance necessary between all acoustics parameters to reach Immersiveness : the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold...
A high end system in a dedicated room will do better with an improved immersiveness for sure than my low cost one. But trust me we can live with minimal immersiveness. i call that ectasy everyday..
Hearing must be LEARNED...Not by purchase but by experiments , acoustic concepts had no relation with branded name of gear or even details of design.
i am one of the rare person here who spoke about methods not about specific gear piece as a solution ...
Guess why ?
Gear dont matter much in acoustics if they gave a minimal quality necessary to begin with our study...