Mint Protractor. A Pretty Nice Alignment Tool

So when I bought my Triplanar the seller had a Mint protractor for it. It was cut to be used on a Garrard 401. As luck would have it, the spindle size is the same as the one on my Scheu Analog table. So I put it on the table this morning, and fine tuned the cartridge alignment. My overhang was off just the smidgiest of a smidge, and I made the slightest of corrections to the cantilever alignment. Using an overhead light it was very easy to see the alignment lines. Playback showed the efforts yielded positive results. I have to say this is a good product. Nothing magical about it, just a clean execution of an arc protractor.


No, it's not.

Please make a revise to the alignment Löfgreen equations where the only input parameters are: tonearm EL and most inner/outside distances. Those equations gives to you the overhang and offset angle but it does not calculates the P2S distance that's the EL minus overhang. Maybe I'm wrong and you are rigth.



@rauliruegas Well spindle to pivot is correct as the spindle is always at the same regardless of the table because the spindle is always at the center of the platter. So the size of the matter does not matter, whether it’s 10 inches, 12 inches, or something in between. Nor does it matter if it’s a Garrard 301 like the previous owner used or my Scheu or a Denon. Spindle to pivot is not going to change due to turntable manufacturer. A mm is a mm no matter what table it’s measured on. 

The cartridge traces the arc spot on from outer to inside position. The cartridge offset aligns the cantilever at both grids. What more do you want?

The null points are marked and I would have to reference them against the alignment types to see which it is. Or email Mint. I am not in a hurry to know since the cartridge tracks extremely well. Have an Audio Tekne MC-6310 set up at this time. Eventually I am going to move my Proteus to this arm when it’s time to send the Audio Tekne off for a new diamond. It has a bit over 500 hours as I recall.

@neonknight  : Please do it a favor and don't insist in something where you have a clear misunderstood.

The designer protractor you own was in specific for a P2S distance to achieve minimum tracking distortions in the designer alignment choosed and that's why you:


" My overhang was off just the smidgiest of a smidge, and I made the slightest of corrections to the cantilever alignment. "

So, you have higher distortions down there in your cartridge/Sheu tonearm.


Löfgren equations inputs are the ones I pointed out and the output from those equations gives us: both null points, overhang, offset angle, linear offset and trackind distortion.


Where do you see P2S distance : nowhere.

You have to understand the Löfgreen equations. You are not the only audiophile with that similar kind of misuderstood, even M.fremer less than 8 years ago had that same misunderstood till he learned.







Please answer this question.


The Mint protractor is built specifically for this arm. Not another arm. This one.

If it traces the arc correctly, and offset is correct, and spindle hole size is correct, from my perspective this is correctly aligned.

Exactly WHAT is the issue. It was ordered specifically for this arm. Seller passed it along when i bought the arm. This is not a universal protractor, and not built for any was ordered for this specific arm.

Write in plain speak what the problem is please. Please defer from using the long and convoluted answers you typically provide, be clear and concise. 


@neonknight As a former Mint user, I believe what @rauliruegas is saying is that the Mint may be using the Stevenson alignment, which creates a higher level of distortion than the Lofgren alignment and that Mint can make a new version for you using the Lofgren alignment if you so desire. I’m not sure about the P to S difference, but I know the alignment points are different with the different alignments. You can contact Mint to find out which alignment your particular version is using. There are several threads here discussing the differences between the 2 alignment methods.